lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010


V a i n i l l a t w i l i g h t +

Como dijo Pau.

~ Chau mayo, HASTA ACÁ LLEGAMOS JUNTOS. Un placer haberte vivido& gracias por venir; pero por SUERTE te vas y  ACÁ ME QUEDO YO. Esta es mi parada, y me bajo por que sino este tren me pasa por ensima &, sin duda, ahora, es lo que MENOS NECESITO. 31 días de pura locura, vividos, gastados, disfrutados, reidos, llorados, desvelados, bailados, gritados, emborrachados, enfiestados, CAMINADOS, PASADOS Y PISADOS, THANKS GOD
 I hope it's gonna make you notice


  -"I'm sorry if I'm not the right kind of monster for you"-

Jacob Black {}
si, por que un poquito, lo quiero.

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010


Too many lies committed; 
too many games.

We are plastic, but we STILL have fun ~

Bajemos a la tierra.

sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010


De la misma forma que hago una Revoluciónte hago un golpe de estado.
De fernet puedo ser un curda feliz, o ser víctima y victimario.
De la m a n i p u l a c i ó n  se puede hacer el bien, pero también maldades.
De paso cañazo que no doy por darte quito posibilidades  .
Los peores vicios son las malas actitudes. Los otros son fácilmente razonables.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot! Stand up, me hearties, yo ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot, Stand up me hearties, yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack. Stand up, me hearties, yo ho! Maraud and embezzle, and even hi-jack. Stand up, me hearties, yo ho! 

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We kindle and char, inflame and ignite; Stand up, me hearties, yo ho! We burn up the city, we're really a fright.  Stand up, me hearties, yo ho! We're rascals, scoundrels, villains, and knaves. Stan up, me hearties, yo ho! We're devils and black sheep and really bad eggs, Stand up, me hearties, yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We're beggars and blighters, never-do-well cads; stand, me hearties, yo ho! Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads. Stand up, me hearties, yo ho. 

So, why don't we go, somewhere only we know?

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

 Nick Jonas Pictures, Images and Photos Nick Jonas Icon Pictures, Images and Photos Nick Jonas Pictures, Images and Photos Nick Jonas Icon Pictures, Images and Photos               
Feliz cumpleaños pedazo de animal. 

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

“Somos arrogantes. Somos egoístas. A veces somos malos. 
Tenemos un maldito temperamento, y cuando nos enfadamos, guardamos rencor.” 

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

"In the future people will talk about the Jonas Brothers.  They'll talk about them like we talk about Beatles, Hanson and N'SYNC. They’ll talk about the records they made. They’ll talk about the sold out concerts. They’ll talk about their style and standout hair. They’ll talk about the adoring fans who waited hours for just a glimpse of our favorite boys.
But they’ll never talk about, and people will never understand how Nick’s battle with diabetes inspired millions. How even though he’s the one with diabetes, he did the most on stage. They won’t understand his genuine love of music and how he was born to play.
They’ll never talk about how Joe could light up a room with his lame jokes. How his mic tricks could pone anyone else’s any day. They won’t understand how he could get packed arenas and stadiums to move together as one.
They won’t talk about how Kevin’s guitar skills made millions want to learn to play. How his S.O.S dance became a legend. They won’t ever understand how his energy level never went down. They’ll never know that when he did a super fast spin while still playing the whole crowd held their breaths.
People will never understand that Jonas Brothers youtube videos never got old, how you could be in the worst mood but they’ll make you laugh. They won’t get the joy you feel and the tears that fall when you go to your first concert. They won’t understand that campfire is something every fan dreams of being a part of. They won’t talk about the hours and hours of videos we have saved on our Tivos of them. They won’t understand how the Jonas Brothers gave us something to believe in each and everyday. How they made us better people. They won’t know that we love the Jonas Brothers, but we love Nick, Joe, and Kevin more, just as people. They won’t understand that three boys from New Jersey just living their dream, became a part of us.
They’ll never talk about how much the Jonas Brothers meant to us.
But we do. The fans of today, we know it all.


Romper esquemas de los que siempre callangritar aunque sea una sola verdad. 
Pierdo la ropa y pierdo apuestas, en pocas copas pierdo lo que llevo a cuestas. Pierdo vergüenza cuando estoy con mis amigos, cuando canto pierdo el hilo de lo que debo cantar. Perdí el pudor, perdí mil noches frente al mar . 



Por que a pesar de TODO, los ARGENTINOS somos únicos. 
Felices 200. 

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Sacar belleza de este caos, es virtud
¿O no?


{ Y no serías egoísta por quedarte, la egoísta sería yo por querer r e t e n e r t e .

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Por que creo y no exagero eso es 

Te quiero ver, te quiero contar; lo mal que se vive,

 y lo BIEN que se está.
Tu nombre REAL: Bárbara.
Tu Nombre Gangster: Barizzle.
(primeras 3 letras de tu nombre mas izzle)
Tu nombre de detective: 
Blue B.
(Tu color favorito en ingles y la primera letra de tu nombre)
Tu nombre de telenovela: Bárbara Beltrán.
(tu nombre y la calle en donde vives)
Tu nombre de star wars: Rufba 
(las primeras 3 letras de tu apellido, y las primeras 2 letras de tu nombre)
Tu nombre de superheroe: Mujer Nerd? 
(tu sexo y tu comida o dulce favorito)
Tu Nombre iraqi: Afiga
(2da letra de tu nombre, 3ra letra de tu apellido, 2da letra del nombre de tu mama, 3ra letra del nombre de tu papa, y primera letra del segundo nombre tuyo)

Tu nombre de Narco: Azba
(las primeras 2 letras de lo que quieras trabajar y las primeras 2 letras de tu 2do nombre)
Tu nombre de Striper: . Piorufra
(pio mas las 2 primeras letras de tu apellido paterno, y las 2 ultimas letras del nombre de la ultima persona con la que hablaste)
Tu nombre de borracho: . Ferruf.
(las dos primeras letras de tus dos apellidos)


sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

"¿Cuál es esa expresión que usan los vampiros?
 Creo que es: ... 'La curiosidad mato al gato'

Parece que eso se aplica a esta situación." 

Habrá que encontrar un lugar para esconderse, o habrá que entrometerse un poco más. Habrá que desempolvar el disfraz de valiente, y salir a tropezarHabrá que hacer lugar en los cajones, o habremos de salir a descartar cualquier idea nueva te descuelga en una tarde, y que queramos probar.


viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

¿Qué esperás? Mostrame todas las cartas, a cara de perro no sé jugar.
 Me endulzás el ego siendo sincera, dale un poco y te va a pedir más.

Somewhere too far for us to find.

G R A C I A S .

We are WIL, we are free; SO CALL US FREAKS, but THAT'S just the way we roll. 
I'm stuck under the rainy cloud, but you don't seem to care. But it's alright, 'cause it's TOO LATE TO PRETEND. 
When it fallas apart, and you're feeling lost. All your hope is gone, DON'T FORGET TO HOLD ON. 
I don't wanna hurt you, I WANNA KISS YOU!
I'm sorry for disappoining you, but i'm done, with being up and down and pushed around. NO MORE ~
They're all the same, they all want the money! THEY'RE ALL INSANE, they live for fame honey!
.You're the voice i hear insade my head, the REASON that i'm singing, i NEED to find YOU.
I know he doesn't love you baby, no like i did. What's the pint? YOU'RE NOT LISTENING, ANYWAY!
He told me he built a TIME machine, like the one in a film I've seen!
Every single words been said. Broke each others hearts AGAIN!
It's like a POISON in my brain. It's like a fog that blurs the scene. It's like a vine I can't untangle, I'M FRAKING OUT!
But you don't know what you got till IT'S GONE.  And you DON'T KNOW what it's like to feel so low, and everytime you smile or laugh YOU GLOW. You don't even know.
YOU'RE the light that makes my darkness DISAPPEAR.
I can't get your smile out of my mind, I think about your eyes ALL the time.
Can't imagine what it'd be like, without the sound of all my HEROES singin' all my favorite songs. So I can sing ALONG!
Baby you turned the temperature hotter; 'Cause I'm Burnin' Up, Burnin' Up... FOR YOU BABY!
Hello Beautiful, How's it going? I hear it's wonderful in ARGENTINA. I've been missing you, It's true.
Next time I see you, I'm giving you a high five. 'Cause hugs are overrated, just FYI!

21/05/09 - 21/05/10.
Un año.